Dale Jordan
Dr. Michael Chetta, PhD
Director of Research
Dr. Mike Chetta is a Director of Research for Kaizen and has been a Human Capital Management consultant for almost 15 years. He completed his Ph.D. in Applied Organizational Psychology from Hofstra University and a Master’s in Business Administration and Management from Dowling College. He is also the Director of the MS in Industrial-Organizational Psychology program at the University of Central Florida (in addition to holding a lecturer position).

In his career, Mike has worked for large Fortune 500 organizations managing client relationships, providing actionable analytics, and impacting the design of global employee surveys. His efforts in corporate centers of excellence directly partnered with senior level executives has ensured alignment of metrics across organizations and geared towards the company’s overall strategy. Mike’s areas of expertise and current research include Artificial Intelligence in selection/assessment, survey design and implementation, employee engagement, customer loyalty, linkage research, and statistical analyses.